Move Assignment & Move Constructor
When Move Constructor are Called
The Rule of The Big Four (and a half)
#ifndef V_H
#define V_H
class V
		int size;
		int *array;
		V(int s):size(s)
			std::cout<<"Constructor ..."<<std::endl;
			array = new int[size];
			for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				array[i] = 10*i;
			std::cout<<"----End Constructor ..."<<std::endl;

		//copy constructor
		V(const V &right):size(right.size), array(size?new int [size]:nullptr)
			std::cout<<"Copy Constructor ..."<<std::endl;
			std::copy(right.array, right.array+size, array);
			std::cout<<"----End Copy Constructor ..."<<std::endl;

		//move constructor
		V(V && right):size(0), array(nullptr)
			std::cout<<"Move Constructor ..."<<std::endl;
			size = right.size;
			array = right.array;
			right.size = 0;
			right.array =  nullptr;
			std::cout<<"----End Move Constructor ..."<<std::endl;

		int *getAddress() const {return array;}
		int getSize() const {return size;}

		void display() const
			for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				std::cout<<array[i]<<" ";

		//copy assignment
		const V& operator=(const V &right)
			std::cout<<"Copy Assignment ..."<<size<<std::endl;
			V temp(right);
			std::swap(size, temp.size);
			std::swap(array, temp.array);
			std::cout<<"----End Assignment ..."<<std::endl;

			return *this;

		//move assignment
		V & operator=(V&& right)
			std::cout<<"Move Assignment ..."<<std::endl;
			if(this != &right)
				delete [] array;
				array = 0;
				size = 0;

				size = right.size;
				array = right.array;

				right.size = 0;
				right.array = nullptr;
			std::cout<<"----End Move Assignment ..."<<std::endl;

			return *this;

			std::cout<<"Destructor ..."<<size<<std::endl;
			delete array;
			array = 0;
			size = 0;
#include <iostream>
#include "V.h"

V getObject()
	std::cout<<"Inside function ..."<<std::endl;
	//call constructor
	V v(10);

	std::cout<<"Return from function ..."<<std::endl;
	return v;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	//call constructor
	std::cout<<"---------------Call Constructor-----------"<<std::endl;
	V v1(20);

	//call copy constructor
	std::cout<<"---------------Call Copy Constructor--------"<<std::endl;
	V v2(v1);
	//V v2 = v1;

	//call assignment constructor
	std::cout<<"---------------Call Assignment Constructor---------"<<std::endl;
	V v3(40);
	v3 = v1;

	//call assignment
	//if no move assignment, assignment constructor will be called
	std::cout<<"-------------Call Move Assignment--------------"<<std::endl;
	v2 = getObject();
	//v2 = std::move(v3);

	std::cout<<"-------------Call Move Constructor---------------"<<std::endl;
	V v4(std::move(getObject()));
	//V v5(getObject());//object created by getObject() will be assigned to v5 directly, no move constructor will be called
	//V v5 = getObject();
	V v6(std::move(v1));//v1 is empty

	return 0;
Move String
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::string str = "Hello";

	//call move assignment
	std::string str2;
	str2 = std::move(str);

	//call move constructor
	//std::string str2 = std::move(str);

	std::cout<<"Str 1: "<<str<<std::endl;//str is empty
	std::cout<<"Str 2: "<<str2<<std::endl;

	return 0;