Aggregation Based
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • # pull data from data source
    es, elasticsearch
        index # string, index name
        timefield # string, time field name
            count # default
            avg # avg:field
            sum # sum:field
            min # min:field
            max # max:field
            percentiles # percentiles:field
            cardinality # cardinality:field
        fit # fills null values using a defined fit function, one of average, carry, nearest, none, scale
        interval # aggregation interval, for instance, interval='12h'
        kibana # true, enable filter on Kibana; false, otherwise
        offset # time offset, s:second, m:minute, h:hour, d:day, w:week, M:month, y:year, for instance, offset='-6h', or offset='timerange:-0.5'
        q # KQL query
        split # field:num_of_top_categories
    wbi, worldbank_indicators # pull world bank data
        country # ISO code
        indicator # pull indicator from URL at
    wb, worldbank # pull world bank data
        code # string, Worldbank API path
    # mathematics
    add, plus, sum # numeric, add a value to the values on y axis
    subtract # numeric, subtract a value from the values on y axis
    derivative # null, calculate derivate
    mvstd, movingstd # moving standard deviation over a given window
        window # int
        position # left, right, center
    divide # numeric, divide a value by the values on y axis
    cusum # null, cumulative sum
    multiply # numeric, multiply a value by the values on y axis
    log # null, log values
    max # give a threshold value if a value is less than a threshold, for instance, .max(.es(), 37)
    min # give a threshold value if a value is greater than a threshold, for instance, .min(.es(), 25)
    fit # fills null values using a defined fit function, one of average, carry, nearest, none, scale
    trend # regression plot
    holt # conduct forecast
        alpha # 0-1
        beta # 0-1
        gamma # 0-1
    # horizontal line
        avg # create line represent the average
    static, value # create constant horizontal line, for instance, .static(3, label='average')
    # plots
    lines # line plot
        fill # 0-10, fill area under the lines
        width # line thickness
        show # boolean, true/false, display the lines or not
        steps # boolean or int, true, do not interpolate between points; false, otherwise
    bars # bar plot
    points # scatter plot
    # style
    color # color code, plot color
    label # string, create a label for the current plot
        position # nw, ne, se, sw, set up legend position
        columns # int, number of columns to divide the legend into
        showTime # boolean, true/false, display time or not
        timeFormat # HH:mm:ss.SSS, set up time format
    title, # string, create a title
    range # set up max and min of the y axis
    mvavg, movingaverage # smooth plots
        window # smooth window size
        position # center, left, right
    precision # int, set value precision
    trim # set N buckets at the start or end of a series to null to fit the "partial bucket issue"
    scale_interval # string, changes interval, s, m, h, d, w, M, y
    hide # hide plot
        yaxis # int, numbered y axis
        min # numeric, minimum value on y axis
        max # numeric, maximum value on y axis
        position # left or right
        label # string, label on axis
        color # string, label color
        units # bits, bits/s, bytes, bytes/s, currency, percent, custom:prefix:suffix
        tickDecimals # int, digital numbers after decimal point
    props # set value for arbitary properties, for instance, props(label=Regression)
    # decision
    condition, if # logical operation, lt, lte, eq, gt, gte, for instance, if(lt, 500, 0, 1), if a value is less than 500, set the value to 0, else set the value to 1
    # multiple plots with multiple indices
    .es(index=elicsarhackathon,metric=avg:domains_length,).yaxis(label=Length, min=37.9, max=40, color=red, tickDecimals=1).label(max),
    .es(index=elicsarhackathon,metric=avg:domains_length,).if(gt, 38.2, 38.2).lines(fill=5)
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • # plot
    1. Time Series -> Panel options, set index patern, filter
    2. Time Series -> Panel options -> Metrics, set aggregation, group by
    3. Time Series -> Panel options -> Options, set data formater, filter, chart type, axis, legend
    4. Time Series -> Annotations, set annotations with other data sources
  • Mark
  • # Line chart
      title: Event Counts // graph title
      // Define the data source
      data: {
        url: {
          %context%: true // apply dashboard context filters
          %timefield%: @timestamp // use the time filter of Kibana
          index: hackathon // data source
          body: { // define query body
            aggs: {
              time_buckets: {
                date_histogram: {
                  field: @timestamp
                  interval: {%autointerval%: true}
                  extended_bounds: {
                    min: {%timefilter%: "min"}
                    max: {%timefilter%: "max"}
                  min_doc_count: 0
            size: 0
        format: {property: "aggregations.time_buckets.buckets"} // define the data used in the graph, time_buckets is the query name, buckets is a key of the return
      mark: line
      encoding: {
        x: {
          field: key
          type: temporal
          axis: {title: false} // no X axis title
        y: {
          field: doc_count
          type: quantitative
          axis: {title: "Document count"} // define Y axis title
    # Scatter plot
      $schema: ""
      mark: point
      data: {
        url: {
          %context%: true
          %timefield%: @timestamp
          index: elicsarhackathon
          body: {
            size: 100,
            _source: ["@timestamp", "domains_length"]
        format: { property: "hits.hits" }
      transform: [
          calculate: "toDate(datum._source['@timestamp'])"
          as: "time"
      encoding: {
        x: {
          field: time
          type: temporal
          axis: { title: false }
        y: {
          field: _source.domains_length
          type: quantitative
          axis: { title: "Domain Length" }
    # Multiple subplots
      $schema: ""
      mark: point
      data: {
        url: {
          %context%: true
          %timefield%: @timestamp
          index: elicsarhackathon
          body: {
            size: 100,
            _source: ["@timestamp", "domains_length", "domains_num","status"]
        format: { property: "hits.hits" }
      transform: [
          calculate: "toDate(datum._source['@timestamp'])"
          as: "time"
      encoding: {
        "row": {"field": "_source.status"}, // create a subplot for each category
        x: {
          field: time
          type: temporal
          axis: { title: false }
        y: {
          field: _source.domains_length
          type: quantitative
          axis: { title: "Domain Length" }
    # Multiple plots with one index
      $schema: ""
      mark: point
      data: {
        url: {
          %context%: true
          %timefield%: @timestamp
          index: elicsarhackathon
          body: {
            size: 100,
            _source: ["@timestamp", "domains_length", "domains_num"]
        format: { property: "hits.hits" }
      transform: [
          calculate: "toDate(datum._source['@timestamp'])"
          as: "time"
      encoding: {
        x: {
          field: time
          type: temporal
          axis: { title: false }
        y: {
          field: _source.domains_length
          type: quantitative
          axis: { title: "Domain Length" }
      "layer": [
        { // layer one, same as the layer in the above encoding
          "mark": {"type": "point", "size": 100, "opacity": 0.8},
          "encoding": {
            "y": {"field": "_source.domains_length"}
        { // layer two
          "mark": {"type": "line", "color": "red", "size": 1, "opacity": 0.5},
          "encoding": {
            "y": {"field": "_source.domains_num"}
  • I have but one .condition(). Timeseries if-then-else with Timelion
  • Dashboard and visualizations
  • Timelion Tutorial – From Zero to Hero
  • Timelion function reference
  • Advanced Guide to Kibana Timelion
  • Handlebars
  • Kibana Tutorial
  • Vega Example Gallery
  • Vega Mark
  • Scatterplot in Kibana using Vega