What is Redis?
  • Redis (Remote dictionary server) is an in-memory, key-value database, commonly referred to as a data structure server, an example of a NoSQL database
  • Why Redis?
  • Reading and writing are fast since Redis stores data in memory
  • Mainly used for caching purpose like a memcache
  • Can also be used as a datastore
  • Key Features
  • Speed
  • Persistence
  • Data Structures, up to 512MB
  • High availability and scalability
  • Installation
    # Mac
    brew update
    brew install redis
    brew services start redis # start redis service
    brew services stop redis # stop redis service
    brew services restart redis # restart redis service
    # download Redis
    # uncompress
    tar -xvf redis-stable.tar.gz
    # enter Redis folder
    # start a redis server
    ./src/redis-server # start redis server
    # view redis host ip and port number
    ps -e | grep redis
    # start redis-cli interactive environment
    redis-cli -h [ip] -p [port]
    # command line
    redis-cli [command]
    # online environment
    # Use a different port
    # Edit /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
    # Change port number
    brew services restart redis
    redis-cli -p [portNumber]
    # client 1
    subscribe channel1 # subscribe channel1
    unsubscribe channel1 # unsubscribe channel1
    # client 2
    publish channel1 message # publish a message to the channel and client 1 will receive it from the channel
    psubscribe pattern # subscribe the channels with the specific pattern
    punsubscribe pattern # unsubscribe the channels with the specific pattern
    pubsub channels # list the active channels
  • allow the execution of a group of commands in a single step
  • atomic, either all of the commands or none are processed
  • if errors occur then the transaction is aborted
  • multi # start a transaction
    incr count
    incr count
    get count
    exec # execute the transaction
    discard # discards all commands issued after MULTI
    # will be implemented only if num is not changed
    watch num
    incr num
    get num
  • Send multiple commands to the server without waiting for the replies, and finally read the replies in a single step
  • # command line
    echo "set s v" | redis-cli
    echo "set s v" | nc localhost 6379
    # pass several Redis commands to a Redis server
    echo "select 1\r\nset s4 v4" | redis-cli
    # Client PING
    # Client PING
    # Client PING
    # Server OK
    # Server OK
    # Server OK
    (printf "PING\r\nPING\r\nPING\r\n"; sleep 1) | nc localhost 6379
    # import from a csv file
    # country.csv
    # China CN
    # America US
    awk '{print "set " $1 " "$2}' country.csv | redis-cli
    awk '{print "set " $1 " "$2}' country.csv | nc localhost 6379
    awk '{print "set " $1 " "$2}' country.csv | redis-cli --pipe # bulk, one summary reply instead of one reply for each instruction
  • Installation
  • Pipelining
  • The Little Redis Book
  • Redis Knowledge Base
  • Redis Commands
  • Redis Documentation
  • Install Redis on Amazon Linux
  • Best Redis GUI client for Mac - TablePlus