Data Types
set key1 value1 Ex 60 # setup a key-value pair, expire in 60 seconds
get key1 # get value
getrange mykey 0 6 # get a sub string from start to end, both indices are inclusive
mset key1 value1 key2 value2 # setup multiple key-value pairs
mget key1 key2, # get multiple keys

strlen key1 # get value length

incr num # increase the integer value of a key by 1
incrby num 5 # increase the number stored at the key by the specified value
decr num # decrease the integer value of a key by 1
decrby num 5 # decrease the number stored at the key by the specified value
append key1 value # add some value in a key
  • Hashes (dict type), maps between the string fields and the string values
  • hset name2 field1 value1 # setup a field-value for a hash
    hset name2 field2 value2
    hsetnx name2 field3 value3 # store a field-value pair if the field does not yet exist
    hmset name1 field1 value1 field2 value2 # setup muiltiple field-value pairs for a hash
    hkeys name1 # get keys in a hash
    hvals name1 # get values in a hash
    hgetall name1 # list the fields and values in a hash
    hget name1 field1 # get the value of a field in a hash
    hlen name1 # get the number of fields in a hash
    hexists name1 field1 # whether the hash has a specific field
    hincrby name1 field1 # increase the number stored at the field in a hash by the specified value
    hincrbyfloat name1 field1 # increase the number at the specified field of a hash by the specified float value
  • List, a list of strings, sorted by inserted order
  • lpush list1 str1 str2 str3 # push strings to the left of a list
    lpushx list str1 # push a string to the left of a list if the list exists
    rpush list1 value3 # push a value to the right of a list
    rpushx list str1 # push a string to the right of a list if the list exists
    linsert list before value1 value2 # insert value2 before value1
    linsert list after value1 value2 # insert value2 after value1
    lset list 1 value2 # sets the list element at an index to value2
    lrange list1 0 -1 # list values in a list
    lindex list1 0 # access a value of a list by index
    llen list1 # return list size
    # when all elements are removed from the list, the list is removed from the database
    lpop list1 # remove the first element of the list
    rpop list1 # remove the last element of the list
    blpop list1 100 # remove the first element of the list, if not exist, blocks the client for specific time
    brpop list1 100 # remove the last element of the list, if not exist, blocks the client for specific time
    lrem list 0 value1 # remove all the elements equal to value1
    lrem list 1 value1 # remove the first occurrence of elements equal to value1 from the head to tail
    lrem list -1 value1 # remove the first occurrence of elements equal to value1 from the tail to head
    ltrim list 0 2 # trime the list to a specific range
  • Set, an unordered collection of unique strings
  • sadd container value1 value2 value1 # add value1 and value2 into a set
    smembers container # the container keeps non-repeat values
    scard container # get the cardinality of the set
    sismember set1 value1 # if value1 is a member of set1
    srandmember set1 # get a random element of set1
    smove set1 set2 value1 # move value1 in set1 to set2
    spop set1 # randomly remove an element from set1
    srem set1 value1 # remove value1 from set1
    sdiff set1 set2 # return the elements in set1, but not in set2
    sdiffstore set3 set1 set2 # save the difference to set3
    sinter set1 set2 # intersection of all specified sets
    sinterstore set3 set1 set2 # save the interaction to set3
    sunion set1 set2 # union of set1 and set2
    sunionstore set3 set1 set2 # save the union to set3
    Sorted Set
  • Sorted Set, unique strings with members sorted by scores from smallest to greatest
  • zadd zs 1 s1 2 s2 3 s3 # add s1, s2, and 3 with scores 1, 2, and 3
    zcard zs # get the number of the elements in zs
    zcount zs 1 4 # get the range of the elements between min score and max score, inclusive
    zcount zs (1 4 # get the range of the elements between min score and max score, exclusive
    zlexcount zs - (s2 # get the range of the elements by lexicographical order
    zscore zs s1 # get the score of s1
    zrank zs s3 # get the rank of s3
    zrevrank zs s1 # get the rank of s1 in a reverse order
    zrange zs 0 -1 # get all elements of zs, get the specified range of elements, by index
    zrangebylex zs - + # get all elements of zs
    zrangebylex zs - (value1 # get the elements before value1
    zrangebyscore zs 0 5 # output the elements with scores from 0 to 5
    zrevrange zs 0 -1 # get elements ordered from the highest to the lowest score
    zrevrangebyscore zs 2 0 # get elements by their scores from the high score to the low score
    zincrby zs 10 s1 # increase the score of s1 by 10
    zinterstore zs3 2 zs zs2 # save the interaction of zs and zs2 to zs3, the score of an element in the interaction is the summation of its scores in previously sets
    zunionstore zs3 2 zs zs2 # save the union of zs and zs2 to zs3, the score of an element in the union is the summation of its scores in previously sets
    zrem zs s1 # remove s1 from zs
    zremrangebyrank zs 1 3 # remove elements by their ranks
    zremrangebyscore zs 0 5 # remove elements by their scores
  • HyperLogLog, an approximation of the number of unique elements in a set, using just a constant, and small amount of memory
  • pfadd key value1 value2 value3 value1
    pfcount key #3, count the number of unique values
    pfmerge hlog3 hlog hlog2 # merge hlog and hlog2 to hlog3
  • The Little Redis Book
  • Redis Knowledge Base
  • Redis Commands
  • Redis Documentation