Tips for Strengthening your STEM- and STEM Education Research Grant Submissions, 4.1.2019
- What do you hope to get out of you next grant?
- Why are you writing it?
- What are you trying to accomplish?
- What's the purpose of your next grant?
- Get to know your funding agency, read the solicitation
- Tacit knowledge
- Contact the program officer
- email an abstract, ask for a phone call
- during call: focus on alignment, not revisions
- Do your homework, first
- Visit the funding agency
- Serve as a reviewer
- What else is important?
- Pay attention to the details, no red M&Ms inspires confidence
- Show the reviewers you've invested, you're my one and only
- Consider reviewer backgrounds, cyber stalk the program officers
- Resubmitting? Remember to impress the next reviewers ... not the last ones
- Takeaway: Science funding is a social process, not a meritocratic, objective one