  • module is a piece of reusable code, one file per module
  • import
  • Modules are imported with either absolute or Relative references and must start with either “/”, “./”, or “../”
  • export
    export {sumAll, substractAll, divideAll, multiplyAll, findModulus}
    import {sumAll, substractAll} from "./module"
    export {sumAll, substractAll, divideAll, multiplyAll, findModulus}
    import * as math from "./module"
    //use math.sumAll, math.substractAll
    export default
  • can be used in place of export when you wish to export only one type
  • one can have only one default export per file
  • export default {sumAll, subtractAll, divideAll, multiplyAll, addFive};
    import math from './math.js';
    //use math.submAll, math.substractAll
    Module Example
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<meta charset="UTF-8">
    	<script type="module" src="../src/app.js"></script>
    export const print = (message) => log(message, new Date());
    export const log = (message, timestamp) =>
        console.log(`${timestamp.toString()}: ${message}`)
    import {print, log} from './helper.js';
    console.log(print("Hello World!"));
    const print = (message) => log(message, new Date());
    const log = (message, timestamp) =>
        console.log(`${timestamp.toString()}: ${message}`)
    module.exports = {print, log}
    const { log, print } = require('./helper')
    console.log(print("Hello World!"));