Install Node
// install nvm, which is Node Version Manager
curl -o- | bash
// source .bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
// install node
nvm install node
node --version // check node version
// install the latest version of npm to global
npm install -g npm@latest
Frontend Installation
React + Redux web application
npm, package manager
bundler, such as webpack or Browserify
transpiler, such as Babel
Backend Installation
Node + Express + MongoDB web API server
npm, package manager
NodeJS server, a JavaScript runtime
MongoDB, a Database that persists users' data
Express, a library that runs in the Node runtime to make dealing with HTTP traffic easier
MongooseJS, a library that makes dealing with MongoDB transactions easier
Development Mode vs Production Mode
It is crucially important for you as an effective Full-Stack web app developer to understand the distinctions
- between the Development (dev) mode and the Production (prod) mode
- between the React Dev Server and the Node API Server