Built-in Variables
# Vehicle.py
""" Vehicle Module defines Vehicle class

class Vehicle(object):
    """Document String: Define a Vehicle class"""

    def __init__(self, brand, year):
	    self.brand = brand;
	    self.year = year;
# test.py
""" Test Vehicle class defined in Vehicle module

from Vehicle import Vehicle

def main():
    print Vehicle.__bases__ # base classes from which the calss directly inherits
    print Vehicle.__dict__ # a dictionary that corresponds to the class's namespace
    print Vehicle.__doc__ # a class's docstring
    print Vehicle.__module__ # module name in which the class is defined
    print Vehicle.__name__ # class name

    v = Vehicle("Buick", 1999)
    print v.__class__ # class name from which the object was instantiated
    print v.__dict__ # {'brand': 'Buick', 'year': 1999}

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • provides direct access to all ‘built-in’ identifiers of Python; for example, __builtin__.open is the full name for the built-in function open()
  • __name__, the name of the module
    __file__, the “path” to the file
    # Vehicle.py
    class Vehicle(object):
        """Document String: Define a Vehicle class"""
        def __init__(self, brand, year):
    	#print "Create Vehicle Object ...";
    	self._brand = brand;
    	self._year = year;
    def main():
    	v = Vehicle("Lincoln", 1998);
    	print(__name__) # __main__
            print(__file__) # Vehicle.py
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Defined in __init__.py file, the list of modules that should be imported by from myPackage import *
  • Reference
  • Index – _
  • Python How to Program, Appendix O