  • Only accepts user data as bytes, strings or numbers (ints, longs and floats)
  • Redis returns byte strings
  • Installation
    pip install redis
    Connect Redis
    import redis
    r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
    r.keys() # display all keys
    r.keys('k*') # search keys by a pattern
    r.dbsize() # the number of keys
    r.type('k1') # get the type of a key
    r.rename('k1', 'k4') # rename a key
    r.randomkey() # get a random key
    r.exists('key1') # check if a key exists
    r.delete('k4') # remove a key
    r.expire('k2', 5) # set up expiration time for a key
    r.expireat('n1', 1638490877) # set up expiration time point, convert time to timestamp,
    r.ttl('n1') # check expiration time
    r.persist('n1') # remove the expiration from a key
    r.flushall() # remove all keys
    # set
    r.set('k1', 'v1', ex=60) # create a key-value pair with a 60 seconds of expiration time
    r.mset({'k2':'v2', 'k3':'v3'}) # set multiple key/value pairs
    # get
    s = r.get('k1') # byte string
    s = s.decode("utf-8") # str
    r.mget(['k1', 'k2', 'k3']) # a list of byte strings
    r.append('k1', 'va') # append a value to a key
    r.strlen('k1') # get the length of the value of a key
    r.set('key2', 2)
    r.set('num', 0)
    r.incr('num') # increase the integer value of a key by 1
    r.incrby('num', 2) # increase the number stored at the key by the specified value
    r.decr('num') # decrease the integer value of a key by 1
    r.decrby('num', 2) # decrease the number stored at the key by the specified value
    r.hset('n1', 'k1', 'v1')
    r.hmset('n1', {'k2':'v2', 'k3':'v3'})
    r.hget('n1', 'k1') # byte string
    r.hget('n1', 'k1').decode('utf-8') # str
    r.hkeys('n1') # a list of byte strings, keys in a dict
    r.hvals('n1') # a list of byte strings, values in a dict
    r.hgetall('n1') # get a dict
    r.hlen('n1') # get the numbers of key-value pairs in a dict
    r.hincrby('n1', 'k4', 2) # increase the number stored at the field in a hash by the specified value
    r.hincrbyfloat('n1', 'k4', 0.1) # increase the number at the specified field of a hash by the specified float value
    r.lpush('l1', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3') # push strings to a lift from the left
    r.lrange('l1', 0, -1) # a list of byte string, list the elements within a range of a list
    r.lindex('l1', 0) # access a value of a list by index
    r.llen('l1') # return list size
    r.lpop('l1') # pop up an element from the left
    r.lrem('l1', 0, 'v2') # remove all the elements equal to v2
    r.lrem('l1', 1, 'v1') # remove the first occurrence of elements equal to value1 from the head to tail
    r.lrange('l1', 0, -1) # emove the first occurrence of elements equal to value1 from the tail to head
    r.ltrim('l1', 0, 2) # trime the list to a specific range
    r.sadd('s1', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v1') # # add values into a set by removing the repeat values
    r.smembers('s1') # the non-repeat values in a set
    r.scard('s1') # get the cardinality of the set
    r.sismember('s1', 'v1') # if value1 is a member of set1
    r.srandmember('s1') # get a random element of set1
    r.smove('s1', 's2', 'v1') # move value1 in set1 to set2
    r.spop('s1') # randomly remove an element from set1
    r.srem('s2', 'v2') # remove a specific from a set
    r.sdiff('s1', 's2') # difference, return the elements in s1, but not in s2
    r.sdiffstore('s3', 's1', 's3') # get the difference of s1 and s2 and save the results to s3
    r.sinter('s1', 's2') # intersection
    r.sinterstore('s3', 's1', 's2') # get the intersection of s1 and s2 and save the results to s3
    r.sunion('s1', 's2') # union
    r.sunionstore('s3', 's1', 's2') # get the union of s1 and s2 and save the results to s3
    Sorted Set
    r.zadd('z1', {'s1':1, 's2':2, 's3':3}) # add s1, s2, and 3 with scores 1, 2, and 3
    r.zcard('z1') # get the number of the elements in zs
    r.zcount('z1', 1, 2) #  get the range of the elements between min score and max score, inclusive
    r.zcount('z1', '('+str(1), 2) # get the range of the elements between min score and max score, exclusive
    r.zscore('z1', 's2') # get the score of s1
    r.zrank('z1', 's2') # get the rank of s3
    r.zrevrank('z1', 's1') # get the rank of s1 in a reverse order
    r.zrange('z1', 0, -1) # get all elements of z1, get the specified range of elements, by index
    r.zrangebyscore('z1', 0, 3) # output the elements with scores from 0 to 3
    r.zrevrange('z1', 0, -1) # get elements ordered from the highest to the lowest score
    r.zrevrangebyscore('z1', 3, 0) # get elements by their scores from the high score to the low score
    r.zincrby('z1', 10, 's1') # increase the score of s1 by 10
    # save the interaction of z1 and z2 to z3
    # the score of an element in the interaction is the summation of its scores in previously sets
    r.zinterstore('z3', ['z1', 'z2'])
    # save the union of z1 and z2 to z3
    the score of an element in the union is the summation of its scores in previously sets
    r.zunionstore('z3', ['z1', 'z2'])
    r.zrem('z3', 's3') # remove s3 from z3
    r.zremrangebyrank('z3', 1, 2) # remove elements by their ranks
    r.zremrangebyscore('z3', 2, 15) # remove elements by their scores
    Commands # gets information and statistics about the server
    r.client_list() # return the information and statistics about the client connections
    Pandas DataFrame
    import pandas as pd
    import pickle
    import zlib
    data = {
        'apples': [3, 2, 0, 1],
        'oranges': [0, 3, 7, 2]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    r.set('data', zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(df)))
    pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(r.get("data"))) # pandas dataframe
    # read a csv file
    df = pd.read_csv('Test_25.csv') # 131M on hard drive, 649M in memory, 2.05 s
    # IO with string
    r.set('data', df.to_string()) # 289M in memory, 2 min
    pd.read_csv(StringIO(str(r.get('data')))) # 32M in memory, 3.98 s
    # IO with pickle serialization
    r.set('data', pickle.dumps(df)) # 179M in memory, 918 ms
    pickle.loads(r.get('data')) # 649M in memory, 1.01 s
    # IO with compressed picle serialization
    r.set('data', zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(df))) # 299M in memory, 4.76 s
    pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(r.get("data"))) # 649M in memory, 909 ms
  • redis-py API
  • Command Documentation
  • Github
  • Documentation