Redis Cluster
# install redis-py-cluster
pip install redis-py-cluster
# Cluster
from rediscluster import RedisCluster

# creat access nodes 
startup_nodes = [{"host": "", "port": "7000"}, {"host": "", "port": "7002"}]

# create connection
rc = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=startup_nodes, decode_responses=True)

# display the information of cluster nodes
# Keys
rc.keys() # display all keys
rc.keys('k*') # search keys by a pattern
rc.dbsize() # display the numbers of keys on each node

rc.type('k1') # get the type of a key

rc.randomkey() # get a random key

rc.exists('k1') # check if a key exists
rc.delete('k4') # remove a key

rc.expire('k2', 5) # set up expiration time for a key
rc.ttl('k1') # check expiration time
rc.persist('k1') # remove the expiration from a key

rc.flushall() # remove all keys
# String
rc.set("k4", "v4") # create a key
rc.set('k5', 'v5', ex=20) # create a key-value pair with a 60 seconds of expiration time
rc.mset({'k2':'v2', 'k3':'v3'}) # set multiple key/value pairs

rc.get('k2') # get the value of a key
rc.mget(['k1', 'k2', 'k3']) # a list of byte strings
# Int
rc.set('key2', 2)

rc.set('num', 0)
rc.incr('num') # increase the integer value of a key by 1
rc.incrby('num', 2) # increase the number stored at the key by the specified value
rc.decr('num') # decrease the integer value of a key by 1
rc.decrby('num', 2) # decrease the number stored at the key by the specified value
  • redis-py-cluster Documentation
  • redis-py-cluster
  • Redis cluster tutorial