  • maps hashable values to arbitrary objects
  • mutable
  • More than one entry per key not allowed
  • Keys must be immutable, like strings, numbers, or tuples
  • Initialize a dict
    # Create a dict
    d = {}
    # Create a dict with initial values
    d = {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
    # Change the value of a key word
    d['Name'] = 'Lin'
    # Add a new key and value
    d['Major'] = 'CS'
    # Delete an element of the dict
    del d['Name']
    # Remove all elements of the dict
    # Remove the whole dict
    del d
    Build-in functions
    # ==, compare two dicts, cmp has been removed in python 3
    dict1 = {'Name':'Lin', 'Age':37}
    dict2 = {'Name':'Lin', 'Age':37}
    print(dict1 == dict2) # True
    #len, get the number of items in dict
    print(len(dict1)) # 2
    #str, convert a dict to a string
    print(str(dict1)) # {'Name': 'Lin', 'Age': 37}
    #type, check type
    print(type(dict1)) # dict
    #id, get the memory id of the dict
    print(id(dict1)) #4338527904
    d = {}; #create a dict
    d['Name'] = 'Lin';
    d['Age'] = 38;
    #has_key() has been removed in Python 3
    if 'Name' in d:
        print('Has key \'Name\'')
    #get, returns a value for the given key; if key is not available then returns default value
    print(d.get('Temp', 'Unknown')) # give a default value
    #print(d['Temp']) # throw KeyError
    items = d.items();
    print(type(items)) # dict_items, instead of list in Python 2
    for item in items:
        print(item) # each item is a tuple
    #keys, return a list of keys
    keys = d.keys();
    print(type(keys)) # dict_keys, instead of list in Python 2
    for key in keys:
    #values, return a list of values
    values = d.values();
    print(type(values)) # dict_values, instead of list in Python 2
    for value in values:
    #setdefault, get the value of key; if key is not available then set and return default value
    print(d.setdefault('Age', None)) #38
    print(d.setdefault('Sex', None)) #None
    #update, add a dict to another dict
    d2 = {'Age': 42, 'Sex': 'M', 'State': 'VA'};
    d.update(d2); # {'Name': 'Lin', 'Age': 42, 'Sex': 'M', 'State': 'VA'}
    # removes the last inserted item, which is returned as a tuple
    # remove an arbitrary item before 3.7
    d = {'Name': 'Lin', 'Age': 38, 'Sex': 'M', 'State': 'VA'};
    #iterkeys() has been removed in Python 3
    #itervalues() has been removed in Python 3
    #iteritems() has been removed in Python 3
    i = iter(d) # equals to iter(d.keys())
    for e in i:
        print(e) # Name Aage Sex State
    #pop, remove a key and return its value, if the key does not exist, return default
    t = d.pop('Name')
    print(t) # Lin
    t = d.pop('Last_name', 'Unknown')
    print(t) # Unknown
    k = sorted(d)
    print(type(k)) # list
    print(k) # ['Age', 'Sex', 'State']
  • Python 3 Standard Library