  • The shutil module includes high-level file operations such as copying and archiving
  • Copy Files
    import shutil
    # copyfile
    # copy the content of the source file to the destination file
    # the metadata of the file is not copied
    shutil.copyfile('', '')
    # copy
    # copy the content of source file to destination file or directory
    shutil.copy('', 'p2')
    # copy2
    # copy the content of source file to destination file or directory
    # preserves the file’s metadata
    shutil.copy2('', 'p2/')
    Copy File Metadata
    # copymode
    # copy the permissions from one file to another
    shutil.copyfile('', '')
    shutil.copymode('', '')
    # copystat
    # copy the permissions and dates associated with the file
    shutil.copyfile('', '')
    shutil.copystat('', '')
    # copytree
    # copy a directory from one place to another
    shutil.copytree('p2', 'p3')
    # rmtree
    # move
    shutil.move('p3', 'p2')
    Finding Files
    # which
    # tells the path to an executable applicatio
    # get_archive_formats
    # returns archive formats supported on the current system
    # get_unpack_formats
    # returns unpack formats supported on the current system
    # make_archive
    # compress the content in the current directory
    shutil.make_archive('compress', 'tar')
    # unpack_archive
    File System Space
    # disk_usage
    # returns a tuple with the total space, the amount currently being used, and the amount remaining free
    total_b, used_b, free_b = shutil.disk_usage('.')
    print(total_b/(2**30), used_b/(2**30), free_b/(2**30))
  • PyMOTW 3