markdown for formatted text

Paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text, separated by one or more blank lines.

Header, setext are created by “underlining” with equal signs (=) and hyphens (-), respectively, atx are created by putting 1-6 hash marks (#) at the beginning of the line

Blockquote, created by “>”

Phrase emphasis, uses asterisks (* or **) and underscores (_ or __)to indicate spans of emphasis



List, use *, +, and - as list markers, nest list with four spaces

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue

Links, inline with [](), and reference [][], []:




knitr for embedded R code

The knitr package extends the basic markdown syntax to include chunks of executable R code

## [1] 150   5
## [1] 150   5

Two plus two equals 4

YAML for render parameters

You can use a YAML header to control how rmarkdown renders your .Rmd file. A YAML header is a section of key: value pairs surrounded by — marks

--- title: "Untitled" author: "Lin Chen" date: "Nov. 27, 2018" output: html_document ---

output: recognizes the following values

rmarkdown will convert your document into a slideshow by starting a new slide at each header or horizontal rule


  1. Markdown Tutorial
  2. Introduction to R Markdown